It is a great pleasure to invite you to a workshop we will be organizing on November 23rd on Space Based Solar Power (SBSP). As a consortium of Dutch companies and institutes we strongly believe that SBSP offers a potential solution for our global challenges related to the ever increasing demand for energy and the multifaceted link with the change in climate.
In short, in a SBSP system solar energy is collected by large solar PV collectors in space and is send to receivers on earth by either microwaves or laser technology. Although the technology was already successfully tested in the 1970’s, and many initiatives are ongoing around the world (Japan, US, India), the development of an 1 GW SBSP system still faces a number of issues.
Nevertheless, given the technological developments and the significant reduction of the launch costs in the last few years, we believe SBSP is feasible in the near future and offers interesting possibilities for the Dutch technological market, especially in the field of solar PV and receiver and transmitter technology.
In order to discuss the technological state of the art for SBSP, the chances for the Dutch market and related business case, we are organizing this workshop. Through a series of dedicated sessions the various topics are discussed and the path is cleared for what we see as the logical next step: a feasibility study which will highlight the Dutch technologies that can play a key role in the development for a SBSP system and define a roadmap and business case for the Dutch Market.
In order to participate for this workshop, please send an email to: Karin.van.der.Linden@altran.nl
The agenda for the workshop is presented below, and more information can be found in the flyer attached to this email.
We hope to see you all on the 23rd of November!
Best regards,
Arno Wielders & Marc Klein-Wolt (on behalf of the Dutch SBSP consortium).
12:30 Lunch
13:00 welcome ( E. Laan, TNO)
13:05 Introduction and goals of the workshop ( A. Wielders SpaceHorizon)
13:10 Everyone introduces him or herself
13:15 History and concept explanation of SBSP (A. Wielders)
13:30 Q&A (A. Wielders)
13.45 Energy: Reneawables and why SBSP can play a role (Wim Sinke, ECN)
14.15 Q&A (W. Sinke)
14:30 Break
15:00 SBSP: first steps of a business case and life-cycle analysis (Altran)
15:30 Q&A plus discussion (Altran)
15:45 Technology presentations (E. Laan, E. Bongers, W. Sinke & L.Gurvits)
10 minute presentations each plus 5 min of Q&A
16:45 Discussion session - Possibility to step forward and present your technology or input to SBSP
17:15 Conclusions and closure
17:30 Drinks